Contact Us

Promoting Good Health Together.

Get the care you deserve

Contact us to book your appointment or ask a question

Your well-being is our top priority, and we are delighted that you’ve chosen to connect with us. Whether you’re at any phase of your women’s health journey, our dedicated team is here to address your inquiries and link you with the appropriate specialist.

How this works?
  • Register by filling out the form
  • Book an appointment
  • Consultation with a doctor
  • We will offer diagnostic services if required
  • Pay online or at the clinic

Schedule a Consultation

    Call Us

    (+91) 79038 78768

    Office Hours

    Monday: 10 am–1 pm, 5–6 pm
    Tuesday: 10 am–1 pm, 5–6 pm
    Wednesday: 10 am–1 pm, 5–6 pm
    Thursday: 10 am–1 pm, 5–6 pm
    Friday: 10 am–1 pm, 5–6 pm
    Saturday: 10 am–1 pm, 5–6 pm
    Sunday: Closed

    Visit Us

    Clinic Locations

    Patna, Bihar

    64,Krishnapuri, Sherghati, Bihar 824211